The Getaway Wiki

Throughout The Getaway and The Getaway: Black Monday there are a great amount of deaths and murders, committed by both the protagonists and the antagonists. The following is a list of all the named characters killed during the series. The list includes optional murders and deaths based on the player's choice. The list does not include unnamed characters such as civilians, cops and gang members. The list is ordered chronologically by the games' storyline, not by mission order.

The Getaway:[]

Deceased Character Cause of death Method Mission Location Reason
SuzieSuzie Hammond HarryMurdered by Harry Shot by Glock 17 Pistol The Frightener Outside Mark's apartment in the street Resisted being kidnapped by the Bethnal Green Mob.
Johnny ChaiJohnny Chai JakeTortured by Jake Jolson Beaten to death Taxi for Mr Chai? Inside Charlie's Warehouse Enemy gang member. Also a "welcome home" present for Jake Jolson and to be used as a way of starting a gang war between the Yardies and Triads.
MccormackClive McCormack MarkAssassinated by Mark Hammond Shot Filthy Business Inside Snow Hill Police Station Ordered to do so by Charlie Jolson for working with the Yardies.
LaylaLayla Killed during a shootout between Mark Hammond and the Collins gang Shot A Touch of Class Inside A Touch of Class Ordered to be brought to Charlie but was accidently killed during the crossfire.
SparkySparky MarkKilled by Mark Hammond Shot or neck broken A Cat in a Bag Inside Charlie's Depot Tried to kill Mark Hammond after he turned against them and refused to give Jake Jolson the Yardie drug money.
EyebrowsEyebrows Yasmin3Killed by Yasmin Shot Aboard the Sol Vita On board the Sol Vita Tried to kill Yasmin.
JakeJake Jolson FrankKilled by Frank Carter Shot Showdown with Jake On board the Sol Vita Tried to kill Frank Carter.
HarryHarry MarkKilled by Mark Hammond Shot Aboard the Sol Vita On board the Sol Vita Tried to kill Mark Hammond.
NickcollinsNick Collins Killed in Sol Vita explosion Bomb Land of Hope and Glory Sol Vita Failed to escape the ship before the bomb exploded.
ShanchuleeShan Chu Lee Killed in Sol Vita explosion Bomb Land of Hope and Glory Sol Vita Failed to escape the ship before the bomb exploded.
FushanchuFu Shan Chu Killed in Sol Vita explosion Bomb Land of Hope and Glory Sol Vita Failed to escape the ship before the bomb exploded.
KumdongKum Dong Killed in Sol Vita explosion Bomb Land of Hope and Glory Sol Vita Failed to escape the ship before the bomb exploded.
GrievousGrievous Killed in Sol Vita explosion Bomb Land of Hope and Glory Sol Vita Failed to escape the ship before the bomb exploded.
CharlieJolsonCharlie Jolson Suicide by bomb explosion Bomb Land of Hope and Glory Sol Vita Realised he was finished and decided to end his life and take out everyone with him.

Optional Deaths:[]

Deceased Character Cause of death Method Mission Location Reason
Republic Bartender MarkMurdered by Mark Hammond Shot or neck broken Burning Bridges Inside The Republic Was inside the restaurant during the shootout between Mark Hammond and the Collins gang.
Telephone Repairman MarkMurdered by Mark Hammond Run over or neck broken Filthy Business Along Oxford Street Ordered to be stopped by Harry using any means necessary.
BigwaltBig Walter FrankKilled by Frank Carter Shot Do the World a Favour Inside UCL Hospital Tried to assassinate Joe Fielding.

The Getaway: Black Monday:[]

Deceased Character Cause of death Method Chapter Location Reason
TeenagerTeenager SgtMitchKilled by Ben Mitchell Shot by Glock 17 Pistol Tuesday (Flashback to 2003) Somewhere in London Was armed with a gun and had pointed it at Mitch. He refused to surrender after being ordered to by Mitch.
ArthurArthur AlexeiMurdered by Alexei Strangled and beaten to death Monday Inside the Construction Site Punishment for being part of the crew that stole Viktor's icon.
ErrolErrol Executed by the Thieves in Law Beaten then shot The Rescue Inside the Construction Site Caught intruding the premises.
JohnJohn AlexeiTortured by Alexei and the Thieves in Law Strangled and beaten to death Cons and Icons Inside the Snooker Hall Part of the crew that stole Viktor's icon.
DannyWestDanny West ViktorSkobelMurdered by Viktor Skobel Shot The Wake of the Shoreditch Massacre Inside Shoreditch Boys Boxing Gym Responsible for the bank heist.
SleevesSleeves ViktorSkobelMurdered by Viktor Skobel and the Thieves in Law Shot The Wake of the Shoreditch Massacre Inside Shoreditch Boys Boxing Gym Inside the gymnasium during the shootout.
David greenDavid Green Killed by the Thieves in Law Shot The Wake of the Shoreditch Massacre Inside Shoreditch Boys Boxing Gym Enemy gang member.
Savvy jonesSavvy Jones Killed by the Thieves in Law Shot The Wake of the Shoreditch Massacre Inside Shoreditch Boys Boxing Gym Enemy gang member.
LiamLiam Spencer Killed by the Thieves in Law Shot The Wake of the Shoreditch Massacre Inside Shoreditch Boys Boxing Gym Enemy gang member.
MunroeMunroe Killed by the Thieves in Law Explosion Desperate Measures Safe House Tried to stop the gang from kidnapping Jackie Philips.
Russian youthRussian Youth Suicide Shot Desperate Measures Hotel Was surrounded by SO19 police officers and would rather die than give them any information about the Thieves in Law.
JimmerJimmer Collins YuriExecuted by Yuri Gorsoy Shot Jimmer Collins Printing Works Enemy gang member and involved in the bank heist.
YuriYuri Gorsoy EddiesliderKilled by Eddie O'Connor Beaten to death Your Man with the Tattoo Borough Factory Member of the gang that was responsible for Danny's murder.
NadyaNadya Prushnatova EddiesliderKilled by Eddie O'Connor Shot The Vor Rooftops near Viktor's Mansion Member of the gang that was responsible for Danny's murder.
AlexeiAlexei EddiesliderKilled by Eddie O'Connor Thrown off boat to drown to death Beginning of the End Viktor's Boat along the River Thames Member of the gang that was responsible for Danny's murder.
ViktorSkobelViktor Skobel EddiesliderKilled by Eddie O'Connor Shot The Fall of an Icon Pumphouse Murdered Danny West.

Optional Deaths:[]

Deceased Character Cause of death Method Chapter Location Reason
LeviLevi Stratov SgtMitchKilled by Ben Mitchell Shot Finding Miss Philips Inside the Construction Site Had broken the law and was involved in illegal activity.
LeoLeo EddiesliderMurdered by Eddie O'Connor Shot This Geezer, Hector Hector's Place Killed in crossfire or killed for being involved with the Collins crew.
MadamecelinaMadame Celina EddiesliderMurdered by Eddie O'Connor Shot This Geezer, Hector Hector's Place Killed in crossfire or killed for being involved with the Collins crew.
HectorHector EddiesliderMurdered by Eddie O'Connor Shot This Geezer, Hector Hector's Place No longer of any use to Eddie. At the time, believed to be working with the gang responsible for Danny's death.
JackieJackie Philips EddiesliderLeft for dead by Eddie O'Connor Falls to death Your Man with the Tattoo Borough Factory Of no use to Eddie in saving her. His only concern is stopping Viktor.
ZaraZara Beauvais EddiesliderMurdered by Eddie O'Connor Shot The Vor Viktor's Mansion Killed in crossfire or killed for being involved with the Thieves in Law.
SgtMitchBen Mitchell EddiesliderKilled by Eddie O'Connor Shot The Fall of an Icon Outside the Pumphouse Killed for trying to arrest Eddie O'Connor. The reason Mitch tries to arrest him is because he blames him for Jackie's death earlier on and believes Eddie let her die.
SamSam Thompson ViktorSkobelMurdered by Viktor Skobel Thrown off railing to fall to death The Fall of an Icon Inside the Pumphouse Killed for being involved in the bank heist. The reason for this is because if Eddie chose not to help her earlier on, then she is captured by Alexei at the bank and taken to Viktor as a hostage.

