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Nadya Prushnatova


Full Name:
Nadya Prushnatova
Viktor Skobel (boss, deceased)
Alexei "The Dentist" (deceased)
Yuri Gorsoy (deceased)
Levi Stratov (deceased)
Main Affiliation:
Voiced By:
"Fuck you! Are you ready to die?"
―Nadya Prushnatova

Nadya Prushnatova is a high ranking member of the Skobel gang and is the only woman member of the gang. Nadya is ex military but now works for Viktor Skobel as a hired killer. She is first seen early on in the game, in the mission: Finding Miss Philips, when Levi Stratov unintentionally leads Mitch to a building sight owned by the gang. In this building Nadya tortures journalist Jackie Philips, trying to find out exactly what she knows about the gang. When the police go in to rescue Jackie, Nadya escapes from the police using a secret exit that they don't know about. She later attends a meeting with Viktor Skobel, Alexei "The Dentist" and Yuri Gorsoy at Viktor's mansion. This is seen in the mission, Underground Activity, during the beginning cutscene. After this, Nadya is not see again until later, in the mission, Your Man With The Tattoo, when Eddie follows Yuri to a warehouse where an arms deal is taking place between Viktor and Jamahl, the head of the Yardies. Eddie tries to kill Viktor, but Nadya shoots the gun out of Eddie's hands. They then try to kill Eddie, but Mitch and his team arrive to stop the deal from taking place. Nadya and Viktor flee the warehouse and make an escape in a truck parked outside. Eddie chases after them and they drive back to Viktor's mansion. Eddie shoots his way through the mansion and eventually confronts Nadya on the rooftops of Viktor's mansion. Nadya insults Eddie while shooting two Uzi's at him, but she is eventually killed by Eddie and then falls back through some glass, crashing into an empty room below. Eddie then chases after Viktor to finish the gang off. This happens in the mission, The Vor.


Nadya, like Yuri, is also a pretty quiet character. She does speak a few times but it is usually only insults towards her enemies, like when she tortures Jackie Philips and tries to kill Eddie O'Connor. She is the only female member of the gang but has much experience at shooting, due to the fact that she was once in the military. Jackie Philips describes her as 'the bitch'.

Mission Appearances
