For the other Yardie owned interior, see Yardie Drug Factory.

Outside of the Rivington Street Crackhouse.
Rivington Street Crackhouse is an interior featured in The Getaway that is located on Rivington Street in Shoreditch. It is owned by Jamahl and the Yardies. The Yardie Drug Factory, which is sometimes also referred to as a Crackhouse, is located on Holywell Row off Worship Street. The Rivington Street Crackhouse is first seen in Mission 9, The Cowgirl and the Cash. Mark Hammond is ordered by Charlie Jolson to visit the Crackhouse and steal Jamahl's cash. Mark does this job, but not for Charlie, for himself, so he can use the money to get Alex Hammond and himself out of town safely. Mark kills all the Yardies inside the Crackhouse and gets a hold of the money, as seen in the opening cutscene of Mission 10, A Cat in a Bag. It turns out there is £300,000 total, and Mark stashes the cash in the back of a Nissan Skyline parked outside the Crackhouse. He then leaves and tells Liam Spencer to collect the cash for him while he goes and deals with the Jolson's at the depot in King's Cross. Jamahl later returns to the Crackhouse to find his money stolen and all of his men that were there dead. He then gets a call from Charlie, who tells him he has captured Mark Hammond, the man responsible for killing his men and stealing his money. He offers to hand Mark over to him. Jamahl is pleased by this and agrees to meet Charlie on a boat called Sol Vita so he can have his revenge. This is seen in the opening cutscene of Mission 11, The Prodigal Son. This is the last time the Crackhouse is seen.

Outside of the Rivington Street Crackhouse in The Getaway: Black Monday.
In The Getaway: Black Monday, the Crackhouse can still be found on Rivington Street and looks exactly the same.
Due to Jamahl surviving the events of The Getaway, it is likely that he and his gang returned to the Crackhouse and continued to use it as a hideout. However, although the Crackhouse can be seen in The Getaway: Black Monday and looks the same as it once did, it is never actually mentioned or visited in the storyline of the game.
In Free Roaming mode in The Getaway, it is possible to go around the back of the Crackhouse but not possible to actually enter it. In Free Roaming mode in The Getaway: Black Monday, it is not possible to even go around the back of it, you can only see it from the outside at the front from Rivington Street. A barrier blocks the side entrance preventing you from going round the back of the building.